
I have Map[String, Any], for example from JSON deserializer:

def map: Map[String, Any] = Map("hello" -> Map("world" -> "value"))

And I want to get Option of nested key "hello"."world":

val value = map.get("hello").flatMap {
  case m: Map[String, String] => m.get("value")
  case _ => None

assert(value == Some("value"))

But this solution is not type safe - it emits warning 'is unchecked since it is eliminated by erasure' and will fail on wrong value type.

How to accomplish this the safe way? Returning value if nested object is a map of valid/compatible type containing key "world" or None otherwise?

edit: This is not about Manifest[] or TypeTag[]. I know that exact Map type is not accessible in runtime but want better solution than casting keys somehow (is this safe btw?) and doing isinstanceof for values.

Your code doesn't work. Inside flatMap you already have an Any not an Option[Any]. But otherwise it's a valid question. I think the answer is you can't do this.Daniel Darabos
@DanielDarabos m.get returns Option[String] so code is validSergey Alaev
@Suma I don't think this is a duplicate. You cannot solve the problem with TypeTagsArcheg
m.get returns Option[Any]. But that's not the point. flatMap let's you operate on the inside of the Option[Any]. So you need case m: Map[String, String] and no case None. Just try it and you see.Daniel Darabos
@DanielDarabos There is a solution, but it's overly ugly and unpractical. You could match Map[_,_], iterate over keys and check their type. I do not have any other ideas unfortunatelyArcheg

4 Answers


For this case

val value = map.get("hello").flatMap {
  case m: Map[String @unchecked, _] => m.get("value")
  case _ => None

is safe: if m's key type isn't String, get will just return None! Another thing you could do is to work with an actual JSON AST, since you don't really have a Map[String, Any]:

sealed trait JValue
case class JMap(underlying: Map[String, JValue]) {
  def get(key: String) = underlying.get(key)

Now you can easily define what you want without casts or even potential unsafety:

val map: JMap = ...
val value = map.get("hello").flatMap {
  case m: JMap => m.get("value")
  case _ => None

Just for theory reason. It's possible to do this:

 val value = map.get("hello").map {
    case m: Map[_, _] => m collectFirst {case ("world", v) => v}
    case _ => None

But it's overly complicated, and unpractical. Even worse, it searches the inner Map in O(n), when maps are supposed to be searched in O(1).

I don't think you can do it any other way, and I would not recommend even this one. There could be though solutions using the same idea, but simpler - unfortunately I could not think of any


There is a elegant way to solve this using shapeless.

1) Declare a TypeCase

import shapeless._
val mapType: TypeCase[Map[String, String]] = TypeCase[Map[String, String]]

2) use it on the pattern matching to avoid the Type Erasure

val value = Map("hello" -> Map("world" -> "value")).get("hello").flatMap {
  case mapType(m) => m.get("world")
  case _ => None
assert(value == Some("value"))

Try this:

val v = for {
  nestedMap <- map("Hello")
  value <- nestedMap("world")
} yield value