I have just started using this tool to define an API and scaffold out the Web API code in .NET. https://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/cadcb820-762c-4514-9817-884b7558aaa9 I have added a RAML contract which creates a bunch of Controllers and Contracts in the solution. I have also run the function to enable the metadata output. When I go to the /raml page I can see the API spec which is great. However, I get two versions of everything, and I'm not sure what to change to prevent it. For example, in my .raml file, I have a resource called "operators". Using the tools this creates a Controller called "OperatorsController". The baseUri in the .raml definition file is http://localhost:51366/api/ and the MapHttpRoute of the WebApiConfig.Register function is set with a routeTemplate of api/{controller}/{id}. On the /raml page there is an entry for /bookings AND an entry for /api/Bookings. The first one seems to come from the .raml spec and the second from the BookingsController that was created.
Any idea how to prevent the duplicates.It''s the first time I've played around with api creation, so I might be missing something obvious here...