I want to insert a new user into my database only if a user with the same email does not exist.
Therefor I have two Observables: The first one emits a user with a specific email or completes without emitting anything. The second Observable inserts a new user and returns an Object of this newly created user.
My problem is, that I don't want the user emmitted by the first Observable (if existent) is transported to the Subscriber. Rather I would like to map it to null).
Observable<UserViewModel> observable =
.map(existingUser -> null)
.map(insertedUser -> mMapper.map(insertedUser)
This was the last thing I tried, but it says "cyclic inference" at the second map operator.
To summarize. I want to perform a second Observable only if the first completed empty but if not I don't want to return the Data emmitted by first rather I want to return null.
Any help is really appreciated.
and themMapper.map(...)
just to be sure. Also, IMHO, returning null is a pretty bad idea. But I will give details in my answer after seeing your code ;) – mithrop