
I'm not sure why it wouldn't, but I haven't seen this question asked: Is it possible to basically blacklist numbers that send SMS to a Twilio number by sending 'STOP' to their number from the Twilio number? I know the reverse is possible: https://www.twilio.com/help/faq/sms/does-twilio-support-stop-block-and-cancel-aka-sms-filtering. I ask because Twilio does not have the ability to block SMS from specific numbers.


1 Answers


At this time, as far as I am aware you can't blacklist numbers to prevent them from sending SMS messages to your Twilio number. Which is unfortunate because this does allow someone to perfrom a DoS attack (or at least run up your twilio bill) by endlessly texting your twilio number.

In order to stop an sms message sent from a phone to your twilio number the message would have to get to the [twilio] number in order for you/twilio to know if it should be blocked. Also phone numbers can be spoofed so blocking by number could be problematic if the person harassing your twilio number is intent on pestering you.

From my understanding, sending 'stop' to a number to tell the "number owner" to stop sending messages to your twilio number is implemented at a higher (software) layer.

Here is what twilio has to say about this: https://www.twilio.com/help/faq/sms/is-there-a-way-to-block-incoming-sms-on-my-twilio-phone-number