This is for AS3 FlashDevelop, Basically I'm super new to this. The most I've done in AS3 coding is display multiple images on a single frame and parallax images.
However I want to know how to display embedded Bitmap (.png pictures) as frames one after another, like frame 1 = embedded image 1 frame 2 = embedded image 2 (frame 1 is gone but 2 shows) frame 3 = embedded image 3 (and so on.)
and they would continuously play as an animation and stop at the first frame until I press play again I believe I would use nextFrame, stop and gotoframe but don't know where and what I need to code, I heard of bitmapdata but I'm stuck on how to use it in purpose of animating frame by frame.
EDIT: No I'm not animating sprites, rather it's more like cartoon process where you'll go frame by frame of the image files, as one appear the previous one disappears.