
I am confused about the evidence and Prop etc. in Coq. How do we prove that (n = n) = (m = m)?

My intention is to show this is somehow True=True. But this is even correct formulation?

What I tried so far is:

Theorem test: forall m n:nat, (n = n) = (m = m).
Proof. intros. simpl.

But simpl. does nothing, and reflexivity neither. This is just an example, in general, I need to prove this for any type X if possible.

Have you considered to prove: (n = n) <-> (m = m)? Since <-> can be seen as equality between propositions, in Coq.Rodrigo Ribeiro
@RodrigoRibeiro Thanks for the pointer. I'll try that. The example I showed is extracted from a larger proof. But I may have posed the assertion wrong.tinlyx
Interesting question! I think this should fail because it need not be that n = m and so refl n <> refl m. I've spent the last hour trying to prove that (a=a)=(b=b) fails if a<>b but am still stuck. I've tried some interesting approaches and might post an "answer" later on detailing why the stuff I tried must fail. (But right now I just have a headache…)nobody

2 Answers


n = n and m = m are both propsitions, so they're of sort Prop rather than sort Set. This basically means that n = n is like a statement (that has to be proved) rather than something like true : boolean.

Instead, you could try proving something like: n-n = m-m, or, you could define a function nat_equal : nat -> bool that, given a natural, mapped it to bool, and then prove nat_equal n = nat_equal m.

If you really want to assert that the statements are equal, you'll need propositional extensionality.


It is not possible to prove what you are asking for without assuming additional axioms; cf. this answer.