I have a query in MS Access 2007 that pulls data from two different tables and displays in a report. This occurs after a user clicks a button on the main form, which opens a date field parameter form where the user can select two dates. From there the query runs using the two dates the user provided, or the dates are 'faked' if none are selected to fill in the dates. I'm getting a Run-time error 3071, this expression is typed incorrectly, or it is too complex to be evaluated and i'm not sure why.
I run a similar query in another database and it executes perfectly so i'm at a loss.
Query is below,
[Group Name],
tbGroups AS [Group Number],
[Account Manager],
NULL AS [SER Number],
[Received Date] AS [Corporate Recevied],
DateValue(Created) AS [Sales Submitted],
tbBAAcceptedDate AS [BA Accepted],
NULL AS [Submitted to MDSS],
NULL AS [Completed],
NULL AS [Cancelled],
DateDiff("d",[Received Date], IIf([Forms]![frmReportDateFilter].[tbToDate] = '01/01/2116', Date(), CDate([Forms]![frmReportDateFilter].[tbToDate]))) AS [Aging Days Count],
LocalID AS [ID Number]
FROM ChangeRequest
WHERE DateValue([Created]) BETWEEN CDate([Forms]![frmReportDateFilter].[tbFromDate]) AND CDate([Forms]![frmReportDateFilter].[tbToDate]))
tbGroupProgramProductName AS [Group Name],
tbGroups AS [Group Number],
cboAnalyst AS Analyst,
tbAccountManager AS [Account Manager],
tbSERNumber AS [SER Number],
tbCorpReceivedDate AS [Corporate Recevied],
tbBAReceivedDate AS [Sales Submitted],
IIf([tbBAAcceptedDate] > CDate([Forms]![frmReportDateFilter].[tbToDate]), NULL, [tbBAAcceptedDate]) AS [BA Accepted],
IIf([tbSubmittedToMDSS] > CDate([Forms]![frmReportDateFilter].[tbToDate]), NULL, [tbSubmittedToMDSS]) AS [Submitted to MDSS],
DateValue(tbCompleteDate) AS [Completed],
DateValue(tbCancelDate) AS [Cancelled],
DateDiff("d",tbCorpReceivedDate, IIf([Forms]![frmReportDateFilter].[tbToDate] = '01/01/2116', Date(), CDate([Forms]![frmReportDateFilter].[tbToDate]))) AS [Aging Days Count],
LocalID AS [ID Number]
WHERE DateValue([tbBAReceivedDate]) BETWEEN CDate([Forms]![frmReportDateFilter].[tbFromDate]) AND CDate([Forms]![frmReportDateFilter].[tbToDate]))
ORDER BY [Group Name];
Any help is greatly appreciated.
piece? In other words,SELECT ... FROM ... UNION ALL SELECT ... FROM ...
instead of(SELECT ... FROM ...) UNION ALL (SELECT ... FROM ...)
piece separately, do those both run without error? – HansUpSELECT *
? – HansUp