I have a Java function that is multi-threaded by OSB (oracle service BUs). This Java function calling three different native function through JNI. How to call these three function in such a way that :
- first function (setting up the system) will call only for 1st thread.
- 2nd function will call by all thread.
3rd function(cleaning up the system) will call only by the last thread. Native functions
JNI functions
JNIEXPORT jvoid JNICALL Java_taxcalc_setup
JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_taxcalc_calculation
JNIEXPORT jvoid JNICALL Java_taxcalc_cleanup
Java Code
public class taxcalc{
private static native void setup(); private static native String calculation(String input[],double y,int); private static native void cleanup(); static{ System.loadLibrary("CJavaInterface_64"); taxcalc.setup(); taxcalc.cleanup(); }
public static String taxoutput(String[] args){
String array="";
for(int j=0;j<=5;j++)
double y;
int BilledLines;
return array;
public static void main(String[] args){
System.out.println(taxoutput(args)); }
taxouput function is multithreaded from osb.now,i want to call setup() and
cleanup() in way that it,setup() should called only for first thread and
cleanup() should call only for last thread.
, and you only want a certain thread to call it, then you should only put calls tof(...)
in the code for that thread. – Solomon Slow