
I've got a Master-Detail project using Xcode 7 beta 4 (Swift 2.1), where both the MVC and DVC are UIViewControllers. I have a UISearchController property in the DVC, which is used to display a UISearchBar in the titleView of the DVC nav controller. This search bar is working fine on iPad, but on iPhone, when I push the DVC, I can see the UISearchBar, but it cannot be tapped or first responder.

The odd thing is if I instantiate a local UISearchController in viewDidLoad and set its searchBar as the titleView, I can interact with the UISearchBar just fine, but every time I push the view controller, I get a warning:

"Attempting to load the view of a view controller while it is deallocating is not allowed - UISearchController"

If I create a class instance of the UISearchController by creating a DVC property, then the UISearchBar isn't interactable:

self.detailViewController?.navigationItem.titleView = self.searchController.searchBar

But if I do a local variable, it's interactable (with that warning stated above):

let localSearchController = UISearchController(searchResultsController: nil)
self.detailViewController?.navigationItem.titleView = localSearchController.searchBar

This bug has completely dumbfounded me, and it only occurs on iPhone. It seems like a simple problem, and I've tried many different approaches to figure it out. Maybe someone here has an idea what's wrong. Thanks!

did you ever manage to make it work? I'm in a similar situation except that I don't get any warningjbouaziz
No, I've yet to figure this one out. I'll have to tackle it soon :)powertoold
Got it, if you ever do I'd be really interested in seing how you made it work :)jbouaziz

1 Answers


I was able to solve this issue by searching for definesPresentationContext in my app and deleting all the instances of it. I'm sure there may be a way to fix it without deleting.