I'm working with iText in java to write PDF files. I'm trying to write a paragraph like heading and then text start very after the heading in the same line like
Heading: this a para now ...
Heading is bold and para is in normal text but I'm unable to do this using iText. I tried to use:
fonts[2] = new Font(Font.HELVETICA, 8, Font.BOLD);
Paragraph paranumber = new Paragraph(
+ " ", fonts[0]);
Paragraph para = new Paragraph(
fonts[0].getCalculatedLeading(1), contentText.trim(), fonts[0]);
//Now adding the para to paraNumber that is having the heading and expecting
//that it will be added very after the heading, but this does not show correct
//result, formatting issue.
I also tried to create a new paragraph and added both paras(heading para and normal text para) to that new one, but that is also not showing proper result. please see below chunk for that.
Paragraph newPara = new Paragraph();
but this also not show proper formatting.
Or if anyone can advise me to use some other way to create PDF from HTML that will be good too, so that i may rewrite the module to create required PDF. Please advise.