I am copy all the content from OpenXml word file to another OpenXml word file. But during the copy I want to make some changes depending on the style. for Examlpe if the text inside of some paragraph is red I will change it to blue.
How to I get the style of specific Run of paragraph?
I use this code to foreach all the paragraphs and copy to other file:
byte[] docByteArray = File.ReadAllBytes(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("\\")
+ "\\from.docx");
using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
memoryStream.Write(docByteArray, 0, docByteArray.Length);
using (WordprocessingDocument doc =
WordprocessingDocument.Open(memoryStream, true))
XElement root = doc.MainDocumentPart.GetXDocument().Root;
XElement body = root.LogicalChildrenContent().First();
foreach (XElement blockLevelContentElement in body.LogicalChildrenContent())
if (blockLevelContentElement.Name == W.p)
var text = blockLevelContentElement
.Where(e => e.Name == W.r)
.Where(e => e.Name == W.t)
.Select(t => (string)t)
So when I determine that the element is paragraph I can to loop all the run inside but how can I get its style (color, bold, italic, size...)?