
Is it possible to change the Apple Watch simulator locale? I want to test the localization of my watch app. I can change language on an iPhone simulator, but the watch simulator is always in English. I can't find any language settings:

Apple Watch Simulator Settings Apple Watch Simulator Settings General (top) Apple Watch Simulator Settings General (bot)

Just a note on the bounty - a solution that will run just the app in a localised mode is fine. Currently even this doesn't seem possible.Jordan Smith
You can use github.com/PGSSoft/AutoMate - it's a library for language and location automate testingxenteros
@xenteros except it's for iOS, not watchOS...Jordan Smith
With Xcode 10.1 this seems to be possible from within the Watch app on a simulated iPhone / iPad. The problem is it will usually tell you that there's no connection to the Watch. I managed to set the language for a Watch a single time, but wasn't able to reproduce it since.Koraktor
@Koraktor, good news, we are one step further.kelin

6 Answers


Most certainly not possible neither via Watch Simulator UI nor iOS Simulator Watch app, but you can copy over values from iOS Simulator folder located in:


to the same file in your Watch Simulator.

Plist keys to look for:

  • AppleLocale
  • AppleLanguages
  • AppleKeyboards

You cannot change the Apple Watch simulator locale, but you can change the locale of your Watch App. I use this to test localization. To change your app locale, go edit the Watch App Scheme: Run->Options->Application Language - choose the language and re-run your Apple watch app.


Run|Options|Application Language

Unfortunately it works only on Xcode 7.2, not on Xcode 7.1. There is no other known possibility.


There is a brand new library for language and locale automate testing. It's called AutoMate. The documentation can be found here.


I post my comment for a more readable format.

Hope that can be a "viable" work around

  • Create the different localization files: English, French, Spanish, Chinese…
  • localize all elements here
  • then, open the English files
  • copy the content of the language you want to test after the present english text (that will supersede it).
  • To come back to english, delete this added foreign text.

I tested, it works.

I just get an error log, without apparent consequence

Watch Extension[3520:334638] [default] -[SPRemoteInterface _interfaceControllerClientIDForControllerID:]:2140: ComF: clientIdentifier for interfaceControllerID:DC00003 not found

But that is good enough to test localization on simulator.

Removing the extra text clears the error.


I improved this answer. https://stackoverflow.com/a/54883097/2519218

  1. Change directory to your simulator devices. eg. /Users/$USER_NAME/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices
  2. Detect your watch simulator. I used ls -trl command after build. eg. 046D5EDA-1808-4BE2-A16E-04DF0324B032
  3. plutil -convert xml1 ./046D5EDA-1808-4BE2-A16E-04DF0324B032/data/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist -o change_global.plist
  4. Edit change_global.plist AppLanguages's section you want to use by vim. I wanted to use ja, so it's like <key>AppleLanguages</key> <array> <string>ja</string> </array>.
  5. Put change_global.plist to ./046D5EDA-1808-4BE2-A16E-04DF0324B032/data/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist. like cp change_global.plist ./046D5EDA-1808-4BE2-A16E-04DF0324B032/data/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist .
  6. Restart simulator.

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like you can change the language in the watch simulator at this time. On the device, it's located in the iPhone Watch app under General -> Language & Region. However, on the iPhone simulator, there isn't even an option for the General section. This is all that shows up under the Watch app:

iPhone Watch App