Can I access and change output values of another Fragment at a certain location in the Fragmentshader?
For example in the main() loop I process everything just like usualy and output the color with some value. But in adition to that I also want the fragment at position vec3(5,3,6) (in world coordinates) to have the same colour.
Now I already did some researche on the web on that. The OpenGL site says, the fragmentshader has one fragment as input and has one fragment as output, which doesnt sound very promising. Also I know that all fragments are being processed in parallel. But maybe it is posible to say, if the fragment at this position has not been processed yet, write this color to it and take this fragment as already processed.
My be someone can explain if this is posible somehow and if not, why this is not a good idea. The best guess I would have is, to build this logic into the shader, it would have a very bad effect on the general performance.