
Server Information
Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.8 Generic Patch October 2001
Server: Informix Dynamic Server Version 7.31.UD3


Basically, I was unsuccessful at connecting to the Informix DB. I have since removed all signs of the Client SDK. At this point, I have no idea what to do. I don't know if I'm using the right version ConnectionDriver or not, or if I can somehow use a dll and setup the connection internally in VS.NET, but nothing seems to work. Any help just getting a connection to work would be great:

Sample Code (From the article):

using System;
using IBM.Data.Informix;

namespace IfxAdoPres.Basics {
    public class BasicConnection {
        const string HOST = "192.168.OBFUSCATED";
        const string SERVICENUM = "1525"; //Port?
        const string SERVER = "serverOBFUSCATED";
        const string DATABASE = "dbOBFUSCATEDy";
        const string USER = "myusername";
        const string PASSWORD = "mypassword";

        public IfxConnection conn = new IfxConnection();

        public BasicConnection() {}

        public void MakeConnection()
            string ConnectionString =
                "Host = "   + HOST       + "; " +
                "Service="  + SERVICENUM + "; " +
                "Server="   + SERVER     + "; " +
                "Database=" + DATABASE   + "; " +
                "User Id="  + USER       + "; " +
                "Password=" + PASSWORD   + "; ";
            conn.ConnectionString = ConnectionString;
                Console.WriteLine("Made connection!");
            catch (IfxException ex)


        public void CloseConnection()
I think IfxConnection is the IBM Informix .NET provider, not the OleDB provider, so the connection string is slightly different connectionstrings.com/informix#p46 but I don't know if that matters. I'm fairly sure I've done this both with IfxConnection and OdbcDbConnection but I don't have code to hand sorry - maybe later.Rup
Well, I'm not sure why, but apparantly uninstalling and reinstalling made it work... not sure what was wrong prior. I guess we can mark this as closed?myermian

2 Answers


All it took was a fresh reinstall... removed all the old drivers and installed a fresh new 3.5 CSDK, then used the demo code from the article and used the Setnet32 to configure my connection.

public void MakeConnection() {
    string ConnectionString = "Host=" + HOST + "; " +
     "Service=" + SERVICENUM + "; " +
     "Server=" + SERVER + "; " +
     "Database=" + DATABASE + "; " +
     "User Id=" + USER + "; " +
     "Password=" + PASSWORD + "; ";

    IfxConnection conn = new IfxConnection();
    conn.ConnectionString = ConnectionString;
    try {
        Console.WriteLine("Made connection!");
    } catch (IfxException ex) {
        Console.WriteLine("Problem with connection attempt: "
                          + ex.Message);

See: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/data/library/techarticle/dm-0510durity/