I need to know how to set which form to open when we click on the +New button in lookup fields in an entity form in microsoft dynamics crm.And is it possible that we can populate quick create form fields based on a form field ,on which the lookup field from which the quick create form was opened, is present?
2 Answers
There is no way to configure which Quick Create form to use depending on the field you start from our which button you press or any other client-side code. Only one Quick Create form can be used per entity. It might be a good suggestion for http://connect.microsoft.com (if it is not already there).
I got the solution for opening quick create form. We can set it by setting the following properties to the lookup field. document.getElementById("lookupfieldname").setAttribute("entitylogicalname", "nameofentityyouwanttoset"); document.getElementById("lookupfieldname").setAttribute("entitytypecode", "codeforthatentity");
But I need to know that is it possible that we can populate quick create form fields based on a form field of the form on which the lookup field,from which the quick create form was opened, is present?