
Could someone help me how I can get a macro variable updated with single quotes.

I am getting numbers as comma separated values from a Dataset like below:

2108008080, 2108008081, 2108888082, 2108858090, 213856345 etc I have to pass each of these records in a SQL where condition as Phone_numbers in (&current_macro_variable). To do this I have to add single quotes around each value as the Phone_numbers columns is a character field of Oracle DB.

Any help is highly appreciated. I could not get much help from SAS communities.

How are you getting the comma separated list in the first place? It will most likely be easiest to add the quotes at this stageLongfish
What is your reason not to use double quotes? Then the solution would be easy: %let macroQuoted = "%sysfunc(tranwrd(%str(&macroVar),%str(, ),%str(", ")))";Dirk Horsten
I couldn't find your question on SAS communities, can you please show where you posted it there?Reeza
@DirkHorsten Given the explained use case, I would guess this is being passed to a SQL box that expects only single quotes.Joe
Yes Joe. Tom answer helped me. I tried 1C yesterday but not 1aC in my CATQ functionNaga Vemprala

3 Answers


Use PROC SQL and the select ... into syntax :

/* Build list of quoted phone numbers separated by a comma */
proc sql ;
  select cats("'",phone_number,"'") into :PHONELIST separated by ',' 
  from phonedata ;
quit ;

/* Then pass it into your Oracle query... */
proc sql ;
  select vars
  from ora.table
  where phone in(&PHONELIST) ;
quit ;

Did you try the CATQ() function? Use the 1 modifier to generate single quotes. Use the a modifier to get all terms quoted. Use the c modifier to generate commas as the output delimiter.

%let x=2108008080, 2108008081, 2108888082, 2108858090, 213856345;
%put %sysfunc(catq(1ac,&x));

Which produces:


The quote function should do the trick. You have to go through all of the words in the stringLine and add quotes.

%let macroVar = %str(2108008080, 2108008081, 2108888082, 2108858090, 213856345);

data _null_;
    n = count("&macroVar",",");
        quotedword $2000.;
    quotedword = "";
    do i = 1 to n+1;
        word = scan("&macroVar",i,",");
        y = quote(compress(word));
        quotedword = strip(quotedword) || "," || strip(y);
    quotedword = substr(quotedword,2); /* removing first comma from beginning */
    call symputx("macroVarUpdated",quotedword);

%put &macroVar;
%put &macroVarUpdated;