
I'm working on a stitching tool using OpenCV and CUDA, currently just attempting to stitch two overlapping images.

The images are:

Image 1 and Image 2 concatenated

My process is as follows:

  • Feature Detection on both images (ORB)
  • Correlation Matching using brute force (Hamming)
  • RANSAC estimation to produce homography matrix
  • Warping second image by the homography matrix

I'm fairly happy I have these steps right, using opencv to draw a black image and then drawing the frames of the two images after this process yields the following result:

Red frame shows image 1, blue frame shows image 2

This looks about correct. What I'm having a problem with now is the blending. I want to use feather blending but the results I'm getting are entirely wrong. I've tried the following code where img1 is the cv::Mat of the first image and img2Warped is the cv::Mat of the second image after warping by the H matrix, finalImg is an empty cv::Mat.

auto blender = detail::Blender::createDefault(detail::Blender::FEATHER, true);

auto combinedCorners = std::vector<Point>{ image1Corners[0], image2Corners[0] };
auto combinedSizes = std::vector<cv::Size>{ image1Size, image2Size };

blender->prepare(combinedCorners, combinedSizes);

img1.convertTo(img1, CV_16SC3);
img2Warped.convertTo(img2Warped, CV_16SC3);

blender->feed(img1, Mat::ones(img1.size(), CV_8U), image1Corners[0]);
blender->feed(img2Warped, Mat::ones(img2Warped.size(), CV_8U), image2Corners[0]);

blender->blend(finalImg, Mat());

This code produces the following output:

Incorrect blend

Can anyone advise on where I'm going wrong with the blending? I can't find any examples or help online using the blending technique I'm trying to use here.

i dont know whether this will solve your prblem or not, but the mask you are passing Mat::ones(img1.size(), CV_8U), should actually be warped and mask after seam finder. It is not all ones image. You need to use seam finder before blendingGarvita Tiwari

1 Answers


I guess that blender expects to get unwarped images for input (that's why it requires corners as input), and you have already warped img2, that's why result seems off (twice more to the east and to the north).

Try feeding img2 to the blender instead of img2Warped.