I'm pretty new to Neo4j and graph DBs in general, and have been playing around with it for the last few days. I've now hit something I'm stumped on: I'm trying to create a "temporary" relationship between two disjoint nodes just for the sake of a RETURN, then not store this relationship within the DB afterwards.
The dataset I'm using is a graph of Movie and Person nodes provided in one of the basic Neo4j built-in tutorials. My query is currently as follows:
MATCH (p1:Person)-[r1:ACTED_IN]-(m1:Movie)-[r2:ACTED_IN]-(p2:Person)
WHERE p1.name="Kevin Bacon"
RETURN {start:p1,rel:"COSTAR",end:p2}
What I'd ultimately like to see is a central "Kevin Bacon" node with COSTAR relationships to a series of Person nodes around it, without any Movie nodes or ACTED_IN relationships being displayed. The query above does show the COSTAR relationship in the returned rows, but it does not appear on the graph itself; I've attached a few screenshots of what I'm seeing.
The only other idea I have is to use the MERGE keyword to create a COSTAR relationship, but (as I understand it) this actually stores the relationship in the DB which is what I'm trying to avoid.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.