
I am new to Ionic and just getting used to it. However I have noticed that when I create an app files are download from github such as:

Downloading: https://github.com/driftyco/ionic-app-base/archive/master.zip

Often working without internet access is there a way that files I might need can be downloaded once and stored locally?


3 Answers


Yes, you can avoid downloading it with each new app. When you wrote something like to

$ ionic start YourAppName tabs

tabs - is an alias to Ionic starter repository. You can replace with relative or absolute path to a local directory.

Check out more about start parameters there - Starting an Ionic App.

EDIT: I don't see a reason why the code below couldn't work. And Yes, you have to unpack your default app files to some folder.

$ ionic start YourAppName c:\Temp\ionic-app-base-master


The command ionic start myApp will always create your project with the latest version of Ionic. It will always download the github. Currently there is no how to create a new project without using the downlod of the github.

You can create a blank project and uses it as "boilerplate project" (ionic start myApp blank). Then, when necessary, to update the Ionic (newest version) go to the root of your project and run ionic lib update.


Just download all the templates once and use it whenever you need when you are offline. Ionic will always download latest bundle when you do:

ionic start MyApp