
I am working on Adafruit FT232H with UBUNTU gateway. I need to control the GPIO pins one by one. I wrote a script in python to control the GPIO pins. But when I turn on GPIO pin 9, GPIO pin 8 turns off automatically which was previously turned ON unlike Raspberry Pi GPIO pins. As I knew, the state of previous pins should remains unchangeable until we explicitly change it from LOW to HIGH or vice versa. I have little knowledge on python and the Adafruit datasheet, so could you please suggest me what I done wrong in below code.

import sys
import Adafruit_GPIO as GPIO
import Adafruit_GPIO.FT232H as FT232H
ft232h = FT232H.FT232H()
chno = int(sys.argv[1]) #channel(8-15) number passed as argument
status = int(sys.argv[2]) #status(LOW/HIGH or 0/1) passed as argument
if (status == 0):
      ft232h.output(chno, GPIO.LOW)
if (status == 1):
      ft232h.output(chno, GPIO.HIGH)
Maybe when you're starting the device, it sets all the outputs to 'low', so when you rerun the script, it'll reset the pins to the default value. I guess you should change the outputs without restarting your script.tglaria
Thanks tglaria. But the problem is not that.For example, if pin 9 is set to HIGH by explicitly, that means I turned on LED 9 and now I want to turn on another LED pin 10, so I have to set pin 10 to HIGH explicitly but the problem is now, pin 9 is set to LOW automatically when I set pin 10 to high. Simply, for each execution, only .current states going to set and all previous states are reset to LOW implicitly.Tata Rao
Well, how are you setting each pin? From the python interpretter?tglaria
yes. Through python interpreter I am setting gpio pinsTata Rao

1 Answers


If you try with this code:

ft232h.output(9, GPIO.HIGH)
ft232h.output(10, GPIO.HIGH)

Do you have both pins high?

And with the following code?

ft232h.output(9, GPIO.HIGH)
ft232h.output(10, GPIO.HIGH)