I am working on Adafruit FT232H with UBUNTU gateway. I need to control the GPIO pins one by one. I wrote a script in python to control the GPIO pins. But when I turn on GPIO pin 9, GPIO pin 8 turns off automatically which was previously turned ON unlike Raspberry Pi GPIO pins. As I knew, the state of previous pins should remains unchangeable until we explicitly change it from LOW to HIGH or vice versa. I have little knowledge on python and the Adafruit datasheet, so could you please suggest me what I done wrong in below code.
import sys
import Adafruit_GPIO as GPIO
import Adafruit_GPIO.FT232H as FT232H
ft232h = FT232H.FT232H()
chno = int(sys.argv[1]) #channel(8-15) number passed as argument
status = int(sys.argv[2]) #status(LOW/HIGH or 0/1) passed as argument
if (status == 0):
ft232h.output(chno, GPIO.LOW)
if (status == 1):
ft232h.output(chno, GPIO.HIGH)