I have a TYPO3 multilanguage site, and I am trying to configure Realurl and News. Question is: for single/detailed News urls, how do I get both speaking and language localized versions?
I mean, I am able to get:
but I wish something like:
all italian >> localhost/it/paginaSingola/notizie/singola/Notizie/titolo-singolo
all english >> localhost/en/singlePage/news/detail/News/single-title
I am not even sure whether it is a Realurl or a News issue. In the former case, do I need to define valueMap for postVarSets? How do I do that?
TYPO3 6.2.13 News 3.2.2 Realurl 1.13.4 sr_language_menu 6.0.7
cheers mario