
I'm trying to send/produce JMS messages from a simple Stateless EJB. For this I'm using CDI to produce and inject the JMS resources (ConnectionFactory, Connection and Session). Exactly as described in the Weld doc - JavaEE integration, JMS enpoints.

The point is if I produce the JMS Session as trasacted the ,message is not sent (or commited) by my EJB. No error occurs.

CDI Resource producer:

public Session createJMSSession(@ItemQualifier Connection connection) throws JMSException {
    return connection.createSession(true, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);

EJB JMS producer method:

public void pushItem(Item newItem) throws Exception {
    log.info("Sending " + newItem.getDescricao());
    log.info("Session Transacted? " + mineracaoSession.getTransacted());

    ObjectMessage message = session.createObjectMessage();


    log.info("Message sent!");

If I change the Producer method to create non-transacted JMS Session the messages is sent (commited) normally.

I would like to understand why my EJB does not send/commit messages when the JMS session is transacted. All EJB methods is by default transacted, right?

Just curious, what EE version are you using? If you're on EE 7, you may want to use the new simplified JMS interfaces.John Ament
I'm using JavaEE 6 on JBossAS 7Rafael Soares - tuelho

1 Answers


I found the answer in this JBoss Forum thread.

In sum if you want a transacted JMS Session you have to either control (commit/rollback) the tx by your self or use a JMS XAConnectionFactory. In my case I was using the default InVM ConnectionFactory which is not XA. So, in this case even using an EJB I had to invoke session.commit() explicitly. Or change my ConnectionFactory resource to the XA one.