I want to match multiple Functions to accept a comma-seperated List of placeholders and then the definition of a Unit, which is again seperated by a comma from the rest of the arguments. The text to parse would look like example 1: "produkt([F1],[F2],EURO_CENT)"
or example 2:"produkt([F1],[F2],EURO)"
The grammar for this like i would expect it to work is this:
term: [...]
| 'produkt(' placeholder ',' placeholder ',' UNIT ')' #MultUnit
| placeholder #PlaceholderTwo
WS : [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip ; // skip spaces, tabs, newlines
LBRACK: '[';
RBRACK: ']';
placeholder: LBRACK PLACE+ RBRACK;
UNIT: TEXT (('_' TEXT)*)?;
TEXT: ('a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z')+;//[a-zA-Z]+;
With this grammar example 1 works as expected but example 2 gives me the error "line 1:18 mismatched input 'EURO' expecting UNIT". As i understand it this means that "EURO" itself does not match the pattern for UNIT but "EURO_CENT" does. I do not understand why this is the case because the pattern for UNIT says that the "_CENT" part is optional and only the first part is mandatory.
I also tried to give the UNIT some Prefix (in this case "Unit.") by changing the pattern for Unit to UNIT: 'Unit.' TEXT ('_' TEXT)*;
I changed the input string to "produkt([F1],[F2],Unit.EURO)"
accordingly and this matches like a charme.
However the second approach is not very userfriendly since we have to add something (in our opinion) unnecessary to the input. So the question is: why does the first option not match as expected when the UNIT-String is a single word and is there a workaround for it?