
Hi I working on a project, in which I need to create 2 instances of bean of same class but different constructor-args. Right now have functionality only for "production environment", so I have xml file like:

<context:component-scan base-package="com.xxx.yyy" /> 
    <bean id="id1" class="someCompanySpecificURLForTheClass" scope="singleton"/>

  <bean name="name1" factory-bean="id1" factory-method="createFullClient">
    <constructor-arg index="0">
        <ref bean="someJSONBean"/>
    <constructor-arg value="productionEnv" index="1"/>


Now I need to include functionality for testing environment also. So I changed the xml file to:

<context:component-scan base-package="com.xxx.yyy" />
<context:component-scan base-package="com.zzz.yyy" /> 

 <bean id="id1" class="someCompanySpecificURLForTheClass" scope="prototype"/>

  <bean name="name1" factory-bean="id1" factory-method="createFullClient">
    <constructor-arg index="0">
        <ref bean="someJSONBean"/>
    <constructor-arg value="${value.name}" index="1"/>

In the 2 Java files, I use @Autowired annotations on the method of setClients() and on creating object of someJSONBean.

But I am receiving errors:

BeanCreationException: could not autowire method: public void com.zzz.yyy.sometthing.setClients(someCompanySpecificURLForTheClass) throws IllegalArgumentException and UnsupportedEncodingException.
nested exception is defined: NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: no unique bean of type(someCompanySpecificURLForTheClass) is defined: expected single matching bean, found 2(name1, name2).

I am new to spring framework. can anyone tell whats happening wrong, is the autowiring that i am doing wrong? how can i solve this?

Edit: Here someCompanySpecificURLForTheClass is the same class and beans(name1 and name2) use this bean as a factory bean with different constructor-arguments.
I am using spring 3.1.
After searching a lot, I think I can use placeholder for the constructor-args value right? The above is the edited xml file being used. Updated code in the Java classes: 1.

 class class1{

  private someJSONBean obj;

  public void setClients(){}

 class class2{

  private someJSONBean obj;

  public void setClients(){}

But I get the following error:

ConversionNotSupportedException: failed to convert 'java.lang.string' to 'someCompanySpecificURLForTheClass'.
nested execption is IllegalStateException
Cannot convert 'java.lang.string' to 'someCompanySpecificURLForTheClass' of required type: no matching editors or conversion strategy found.

Am I specifying the annotation value wrongly? Why is this happening?

What kind of the error do you receive?Abdelhak

1 Answers


You have to use @Qualifier Annotation along withe @Autowired. Since your are creating two beans of the same class, spring does not know which one to autowire. You can give a hint using @Qualifer("id/name") annotation.




Check out this link .

If you want to inject both the beans into your class, then your have two create two different properties, each pointing to a different instance.

