
So, this is what I've done:

  1. Installed Erlang on my Windows x64 bit machine
  2. Installed RabbitMQ
  3. Started RabbitMQ service

At this step I have no errors. When, however, I try to enabe rabbitmq-management, I get some error messages in the console. The way I try to enable it is this one:

C:\...\rabbitmq-server-3.5.6\sbin>rabbitmq-plugins.bat enable rabbitmq_management

This results in:

Applying plugin configuration to rabbit@Jacobian... failed

To add to this, I know about this thread, but I'm not sure what this command means SET HOMEDRIVE=C:. Nevertheless, I tried it like so:

C:\...\rabbitmq-server-3.5.6\sbin>  SET HOMEDRIVE=C:
C:\...\rabbitmq-server-3.5.6\sbin>  rabbitmq-plugins.bat enable rabbitmq_management

But I still got the same error message. Thanks!


enter image description here


It seems, like RabbitMQ became RubbishMQ. The catch is I followed very standard and very basic steps to install RabbitMQ now on Ubuntu machine and got a terrible list of error messages once again. These are the steps I followed:

apt-get install pkg-config automake autoconf libsigc++-2.0-dev 
git clone git://github.com/alanxz/rabbitmq-c.git
cd rabbitmq-c
# Enable and update the codegen git submodule
git submodule init
git submodule update
# Configure, compile and install
autoreconf -i && ./configure && make && sudo make install 
rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management

When I run the last command I get tons of error messages. Among them I see such as "error_logger ... Error when reading ./.erlang.cookie: eaccess". So, I guess there are some secret missing steps or some voodoo spell, that can make it work. But I do not know all that stuff and hope to hear some advice. This is what I expect to see - 1) step by step installation of RabbitMQ on Windows and step by step test, that all works 2) the same for Ubuntu. Ready, Steady, Go!

What's the full stack error?Gabriele Santomaggio
@Gabriele. Please, have a look.Jacobian
It is a .erlang.cookie problem, please read this: rabbitmq.com/windows-quirks.html Copy the file .erlang.cookie manually from %SystemRoot% to %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%.Gabriele Santomaggio
And in terms of Windows, what these paths mean? What systemroot? What homepath? You can make a full answer from this and I will definitely accept it!Jacobian
It seems like nobody knows how to install and use RabbitMQ on Windows or Linux. Fantastic!Jacobian

12 Answers


I faced the same problem and my investigations led me to https://stackoverflow.com/a/34538688 which helped me solve it. After following the steps in that answer, start the service and the problem should be solved.

Basically, the problem is caused by the RabbitMQ installer not registering the service correctly.


Somehow, this solved my issue from Command Prompt run as administrator.

C:\...\rabbitmq-server-3.5.6\sbin> SET HOMEDRIVE=C: C:\...\rabbitmq-server-3.5.6\sbin> rabbitmq-service remove C:\...\rabbitmq-server-3.5.6\sbin> rabbitmq-service install C:\...\rabbitmq-server-3.5.6\sbin> rabbitmq-plugins.bat enable rabbitmq_management

Thanks @jacboian


Check if this file C:\Windows\.erlang.cookie and this file C:\Users\youruser\.erlang.cookie are equals.

If not, copy C:\Windows\.erlang.cookie to C:\Users\youruser\.erlang.cookie

youruser is the windows user you are using to enable the management console. for example in my case: C:\Users\gabriele\.erlang.cookie


I faced the same problem, but none of presented solution helped me. Maybe someone will find my solution helpfull.

After running

rabbitmq-service.bat install

command I found that RabbitMQ service in windows service manager was added but didn't run. I turned it on manually and then

rabbitmq-plugins.bat enable rabbitmq_management

command runs perfectly.

After that http://localhost:15672 run successfully


As soon as I installed RabbitMQ I was not able to open localhost:15672 that was because i didnot enabled the plugins in order to enable that open "RabbitMQ Command Prompt (sbin dir)" and run the following command

rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management

It will enable all the plugins that is associated with the RabbitMQ. Now open the browser and type http://localhost:15672 it will open a RabbitMQ console login with "guest as username" and "guest as password".


Try: rabbitmq-server start. Worked for me


open powershell at

C:\Program Files\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-3.7.14\sbin>

and run

.\rabbitmq-plugins.bat enable rabbitmq_management

then if you encounter this error:

 ERLANG_HOME not set correctly.

 Please either set ERLANG_HOME to point to your Erlang installation or place 
 the RabbitMQ server distribution in the Erlang lib folder.

go to ERLANG_HOME-StackOverflow


Here are the steps I did to fix the problem.

  1. Remove RabbitMQ and Erlang
  2. Remove registry entries under HKLM/SOFTWARE/Ericsson/Erlang/ErlSrv.
  3. Remove all .erlang.cookie (possibly in %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH% and %SYSTEMROOT%)
  4. Install Erlang then RabbitMQ WITH ADMIN USER.
  5. Make sure in system environment, ERLANG_HOME with C:\Program Files\erlyour version number exist. If not, create.
  6. Run rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management from RabbitMQ sbin folder

Check compatibility of ERLANG AND RabbitMQ server version https://www.rabbitmq.com/which-erlang.html Download and install compatible version for both. After that there's no need to set ERLANG path in system variable.

It worked for me.



After uninstalling the RabbitMQ, I also faced this issue.

Fixed the issue by doing,

Uninstall both Erlang and RabbitMQ. and restart the computer. then again install the RabbitMQ and relevant Erlang.

Then followed the following steps.

  1. Open CMD in administarion mode.

  2. Change the directory in Windows Command to the RabbitMQ sbin folder:

enter image description here

  1. Enter the following commands:

    rabbitmq-service.bat stop

press Enter

rabbitmq-service.bat remove

Press Enter

rabbitmq-service.bat install

Press Enter

rabbitmq-service.bat start

Press Enter


If you are not able to make it work even after trying other solutions, just use Docker. It is the best and quickest way to run RabbitMQ.

Please note, you need to have docker installed on your machine and then run the below commands.

Step 1: Pull the rabbitmq docker image

docker pull rabbitmq:3-management

Step 2: Run it

docker run --rm -it -p 15672:15672 -p 5672:5672 rabbitmq:3-management

You can access RabbitMQ at http://localhost:15672


Suprisingly, running

rabbitmq-plugins.bat enable rabbitmq_management

instead of

rabbitmq-plugins.bat enable rabbitmq-management

worked for me. I don't know the reason, but it's a quick fix to try, becuse the above didn't work for me.