I am getting a
Run-time error '1004' Method 'SaveAs' of object '_Workbook' failed.
The code works in excel 2010. I only get this error message in excel 2013. The error message appears after trying to run the follow line.
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FolderPath & SaveName & NewSaveExt, 52
The spreadsheet is an .xls
When using the Saveas I am changing it to .xlsm
I have tried it with a .xls extension and fileformat 56 and it still falls over.
I am using code from the resources listed in the code.
I am saving the file to the same folder the workbook is in.
The orignal file name is: Financial Report as at month N.xls
The new filename is : Financial Report 1516 as at month 8.xlsm
Sub SaveNewVersion_Excel()
'PURPOSE: Save file, if already exists add a new version indicator to filename
'SOURCE: www.TheSpreadsheetGuru.com/The-Code-Vault
Dim FolderPath As String
Dim myPath As String
Dim SaveName As String
Dim SaveExt As String
Dim NewSaveExt As String
Dim VersionExt As String
Dim Saved As Boolean
Dim x As Long
TestStr = ""
Saved = False
x = 0
NewSaveExt = ".xlsm"
'Version Indicator (change to liking)
VersionExt = "_v"
'Pull info about file
On Error GoTo NotSavedYet
myPath = ActiveWorkbook.FullName
myFileName = "Financial Report " & FileFinancialYear & " as at month " & MonthNumber
FolderPath = Left(myPath, InStrRev(myPath, "\"))
SaveExt = "." & Right(myPath, Len(myPath) - InStrRev(myPath, "."))
On Error GoTo 0
'Determine Base File Name
If InStr(1, myFileName, VersionExt) > 1 Then
myArray = Split(myFileName, VersionExt)
SaveName = myArray(0)
SaveName = myFileName
End If
'Test to see if file name already exists
If FileExist(FolderPath & SaveName & SaveExt) = False Then
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FolderPath & SaveName & NewSaveExt, 52
Exit Sub
End If
'Need a new version made
Do While Saved = False
If FileExist(FolderPath & SaveName & VersionExt & x & SaveExt) = False Then
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FolderPath & SaveName & VersionExt & x & NewSaveExt, 52
Saved = True
x = x + 1
End If
'New version saved
MsgBox "New file version saved (version " & x & ")"
Exit Sub
'Error Handler
MsgBox "This file has not been initially saved. " & _
"Cannot save a new version!", vbCritical, "Not Saved To Computer"
End Sub
Function FileExist(FilePath As String) As Boolean
'PURPOSE: Test to see if a file exists or not
'RESOURCE: http://www.rondebruin.nl/win/s9/win003.htm
Dim TestStr As String
'Test File Path (ie "S:\Reports\Financial Report as at...")
On Error Resume Next
TestStr = Dir(FilePath)
On Error GoTo 0
'Determine if File exists
If TestStr = "" Then
FileExist = False
FileExist = True
End If
End Function
- if it doesn't match the file type that you've specified then it will error – SierraOscar