I have a web site that should have translation of the same content on different languages. So it should have the databases entries with different translations of same strings. It is not just a small website, so there is a lot of different complicated data structures.
I have one idea how to realize this. But I don't really like it.
I think to introduce an additional Translation table, where plan to store string fields on different languages.
For example for table Project, that contain three string fields(name, shortDescr, fullDescr) I will use Translation table in the next way:
alt text http://a.imageshack.us/img576/7948/2deldbtop.png
I will change name, shortDescr, fullDescr fields from string to integer(that contain link(ID) to translationTxtID). Different translationTxtID and lang fields will define the unique string for each string token and language. So this solution will work, but I am looking for more elegant solution. Can you suggest me a solution of this problem.