I am writing a macro that at some point calls some proc SQL code. I want the user to be able to specify arbitrary proc sql options (e.g. inobs=100 could be one of the input arguments to my macro).
I am having a very hard time quoting an argument that has an equality '=' character.
One of the issues is that I should also check if the macro argument is empty or not, and if it is not empty, only then add the specified options to the sql statement.
Below is an example non-working test that does not work and throws the
ERROR: The keyword parameter INOBS was not defined with the macro.
I have read this (http://www2.sas.com/proceedings/sugi28/011-28.pdf) and other SUGI's and tried many possible ways to quote and call the macro.
If somebody could provide a working example of the below function it would be greatly appreciated.
options mprint mlogic;
data have;
length x $8;
input x;
proc sql inobs=2;
create table sql_output as
select *
from have;
%macro pass_parameter_with_equal_sign(table=, sqlOptions=);
proc sql
%if "%left(%trim(&sqlOptions.))" ne "" %then %do;
/* the semicolon to end the proc sql statement */
create table macro_output as
select *
from have;
%pass_parameter_with_equal_sign(table=have, sqlOptions=%str(inobs=2))
title "SQL output:";
proc print data=sql_output; run;
title "Macro output:";
proc print data=macro_output; run;