I have made a trunk to make calls within my sip group (i.e) sip.antisip.com Now I want to make calls to another sip network (i.e) sip.fairytel.at.
I know we need to make dedicate trunks for these, but I am not sure of the configurations that I should make.
For making calls with antisip I tried the context of the trunk as default or from-pstn. When I call from an extension to external antisip number, the call is connected but gets cut immediately. I am not sure what I am doing wrong here ? I have given the server name, port, username, secret and selected the codecs as ulaw and alaw. I have connected this to a outbound route with dialplans as 4XXXXXXX as the number which I am testing now is that. I gave a password to check if the outbound route works correctly and it works.
For making calls to fairytel, I am using a trunk with the same credentials but the context is from-sip-external. I have connected this to another new outbound route with a dialplan of 4NNNXNNNN1X which exactly matches my fairytel number. I am not sure, if I am going completely wrong somewhere or not ?