
I have a Google App Engine project. On this project I have setup a custom domain and an SSL certificate. Therefore, I can use https://www.mysite.xxx, http://www.mysite.xxx and just the naked domain mysite.xxx.

Is it possible to permanently redirect the last two to always use the secure https:// domain using the developers console or do I just have to redirect in the code?


7 Answers


(For Node at least,) in your app.yaml, add the following:

- url: /.*
  secure: always
  redirect_http_response_code: 301
  script: auto

Reference: https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/nodejs/config/appref


For the sake of completeness. The Java way is to set the transport guarantee to confidential like this.


You can also find this here in the documentation.


Just in case, it is not possible to include secure handlers in app.yaml on App Engine Flexible, there isn't support for them:

The secure setting under handlers is now deprecated for the App Engine flexible environment. If you need SSL redirection, you can update your application code and use the X-Forwarded-Proto header to redirect http traffic. (Reference: https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/flexible/java/upgrading#appyaml_changes)

The reference is from Java, but it seems to be the same for Node. I've tried to include handlers and it didn't work.

As you can see, a possible solution would be to "use X-Forwarded-Proto header to redirect http traffic". I haven't tried this because I will move to App Engine Standard, but someone has done it and explained here.


It should be done in your application. Please check this post https://stackoverflow.com/a/54289378/5293578

I've tried the following code and it worked for me (You must put this before the default request and error handler):

/**==== File: server.js =======**/

/** Express configuration **/

// HTTPS Redirection
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
  app.use (function (req, res, next) {
    var schema = (req.headers['x-forwarded-proto'] || '').toLowerCase();
    if (schema === 'https') {
    } else {
      res.redirect('https://' + req.headers.host + req.url);

/** ... more configuration **/

// Default request handler
app.use(function(req, res, next) {
  // ... your code

// Default error handler
app.use(function(err, req, res, next) {
  // ... your code

In case your domain is purchased or transferred to Google Domain then you could do it in G-Suite under the Synthetic records section:



It worked for me after I added secure always on every handler in app.yml. My node server deployed on GCP serves angular for client-side and express API so in order for the angular route to work I had to add 'api' on API endpoints, so here is how it worked

runtime: nodejs14
- url: /(.*\.(gif|png|jpg|JPG|css|js|ttf|map)(|\.map))$
  static_files: public/dist/\1
  upload: public/dist/(.*)(|\.map)
  secure: always
  redirect_http_response_code: 301
- url: /api/.*  
  secure: always
  script: auto
  redirect_http_response_code: 301

- url: /(.*)
  static_files: public/dist/index.html
  upload: public/dist/index.html
  secure: always
  redirect_http_response_code: 301

- url: /.*
  secure: always
  script: auto
  redirect_http_response_code: 301