I've been looking for answers, but everything I could find does not seem to fix my problem.
I have a jQuery carousel that lazy-load images on demand (Slick Carousel). My problem is that when you're sliding the images, a thin grey border appears around the img placeholder (most of all on chrome and webkit browsers, but sometimes in firefox with a dotted line). When you click anywhere on the screen, the lines disappear, but if you continue sliding they come around each image.
I've set CSS properties border and outline to 0 and none, I tried to disable the lazy-loading to have a src too, but nothing seemed to make the little border disappear.
Does anyone know how to get rid of it?
I have attached two screenshots, one with the lines and one without them (After clicking in the background, they disappear):
tag around your image that gets theoutline
on hover. Post the (simplified) HTML code to clarify – Leon Adler