
I have a maven multi-module project with a module called mod1 that I'm trying to add into a folder /project jars with mvn assembly:assembly from the app folder, where the app pom.xml is.


[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-assembly-plugin:2.3:single (assembly) on project wrapper: Failed to create assembly
: Error creating assembly archive bin: You must set at least one file. -> [Help 1]

Project folder structure:

    | pom.xml
    | src    | main     | ...
    | pom.xml
    | src    | main     | ...
    | pom.xml
    | src    | main     | ...

// After mvn assembly:assembly

project jars
    | mod1.jar

mod1 pom.xml


wrapper pom.xml



The descriptor (src/main/assembly/modules-assembly.xml) :




                <outputDirectory>/project jars</outputDirectory>


app pom.xml


Could you try with <include>org.test:mod1</include>, i.e. without the .jar?Tunaki
I get the same error @TunakiProgram-Me-Rev
Where you start this command mvn assembly:assembly ?question_maven_com
I'm running the comand from app. @question_maven_com. I added the app pom.xml to my update aboveProgram-Me-Rev
As @question_maven_com mentions in his answer, without a parent POM, defining the submodules, there are no modules for your assembly in wrapper to pull from. Either make a parent POM, or add a dependency to wrapper and convert the moduleSet to a dependencySet.John Haager

3 Answers


Why you declare in the project 'app' the both modules 'wrapper' and 'mod1'. app must use 'mod1' at dependency lib?

Do this :

Add parent pom.xml and 3 modules :

pom app :



Create assembly.xml and filter dependency with <includes> and <excludes>.

To create the assembly, use this answer : Maven build assembly with dependencies


Check your project structure. In my case the name of the directory that I was referencing with variables ($) was not correct,the directories were called differently and produced this error. I had to follow the error from the parent pom, going through the child, and config.xml.


In my case artifcact had version and which was not expected in the final bundled zip, after fixing the artifact name from assembly, it worked.