
I'm trying to get a 'global' parameter into my routing, like this:


So there's a Foo object, that has id foo_id, that's used by all controllers in all requests (except the home page)

I tried to implement this by simply adding a foo_id parameter to every route. But then I have to add code for loading the right foo to every single controller in the project, and then I have to make sure a user has access to the Foo in every single controller as well. I found another similar question, so I changed my routing to something like this:

    resource: "@AppBundle/Resources/config/routing-foo.yml"
    prefix: /{foo_id}
        foo_id: \d+

And I added a new controller that's inherited by all other controllers:

class BaseFooController extends Controller
    protected $foo;
    public function __construct()
        $request = Request::createFromGlobals();
        $foo_id = $request->attributes->getInt('foo_id');
        // ... set $this->foo ...

My though was that I'd just be able to use $this->foo in all other controllers to access the Foo object. I could add access control in this controller as well. But it seems like foo_id isn't accessible at this point.

What would be the best way to do this?

One way would be to use events. Take a look at this chapter about creating before and after filter. When using the dispatcher you can access the current route as well as it's parameters.Artamiel
@Artamiel: Thanks, I got it working!cmpxchg8b

1 Answers


I do not know how to make this with Symfony 2 framework. But you can make a simple script which analyses your routing.yml files with help of regex and adds line "prefix: /{foo_id}" to each route, just after the resource line.