I'm trying to query Art that has a product of a certain type. Here is my model for Art:
public string Title { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public List<Product> Products { get; set; }
public string PaintedLocation { get; set; }
From here all I'm doing is the following LINQ query:
List<Art> items = DocumentDbHelper.Client.CreateDocumentQuery<Art>(collection.DocumentsLink)
.Where(i => i.type == "art")
.Where(i => i.Products.Any(p => p.Name == productType))
I get the following error:
"Method 'Any' is not supported."
I went to the page that the code references for seeing what is supported but I don't see it saying that Any() is not supported, so I'm probably doing something incorrect. Any help is appreciated.
This is really odd to me, so I broke it up to see what was being returned from the two results to better debug the issue to this:
List<Art> items = DocumentDbHelper.Client.CreateDocumentQuery<Art>(collection.DocumentsLink)
.Where(i => i.Id.Contains("art"))
items = items.Where(i => i.Products.Any(p => p.Name == productType))
For some reason this works, I'm not a fan of this because since I'm converting it to a list it's running the query twice - but it is at least proof that Any() and Select() should technically work.
but I had some similiar issues with Data.Linq. This smells like you are mixing Linq-to-Sql and Linq-to-Object... What element type isi
ini => i.type
? Is thei.Products.Any
not the IEnumerable.Any call? – ckerth