
We have a number of worker roles in Azure under a Cloud Service that are set to size Small by default. This doesn't seem to be configurable either in the Azure Portal or the Preview Portal, so how do I go about changing the size of the worker role without using PowerShell?

It is very frustrating that you can't change the instance size on a cloud service after it is deployed. I have wanted to do that several times myself.Matt Watson

2 Answers


This can be done in Visual Studio by right clicking on the role in question under the sub folder of "Roles", choosing properties and then there should be a drop down for VM size. Re-publish and the size change should be reflected.

enter image description here


Cloud Services have the VM size located in the ServiceDefinition.csdef, which is part of the deployment package. This is why you are not finding the setting in the portal. You need to build and publish a new deployment package.

Since you don't want to do this with PowerShell, you'd need to make edits directly to your csdef file via an editor / IDE and then redeploy the package.