I want to use spring to develop java applications. For the time being I don't develop microservices and I don't deploy to clouds. I need war-files running on a Java EE 6 Web Profile Server. I hope Spring Boot is useful for such a scenario.
I imported the project http://spring.io/guides/gs/spring-boot/ into Eclipse via File -> Import -> Spring -> Spring Getting Started Content -> Spring Boot
Now I unfortunately don't exactly know what to do in order to get this project running on my Java EE 6 Web Profile Server inside Eclipse.
First in the pom.xml I added
to the spring-boot-maven-plugin and changed the packaging to war.
Right click on the project -> Run as -> Run on server shows only "Pivotal Cloud Foundry" and not the Java EE 6 Web Profile Server. Does it have to do with the project facets where only "Cloud Foundry Standalone Application" is flagged?
I am not quite familiar with these things because in the past I simply imported appropriate maven projects and could just build them and deploy them to a server.
The server is a Java EE 6 Web Profile application runtime container (provides implementation for Servlet 3.0 among others) and in Eclipse I added it in the preferences to Server -> Runtime Environments.