
Network shares can be used as a Nuget source for packages. This works fine, I would like to debug the nuget packages and step into their source code.

I published a symbol package to a network share, using

Nuget Push MyPackage.symbols.nupkg -Source "\\network drive\nuget\"

I can see the symbols package has a src folder with the source code files, so the code is included.
How do I step into the source files of the package while debugging? When I try to step into the nuget package, I get a dialog asking me to find the .cs file


1 Answers


IMHO you cannot use network share as symbol server, I tried it once and it didn't work.

You should setup your own SymbolServer. I do it in my previous company and it worked like a charm, only problem that you may have is to install properly Windows Debugging Tools.

After you setup SymbolServer and upload nuget's with symbols (nuget pack xxx.csproj -Symbol), you must configure Visual Studio debugger.