
I have a simple question, what could cause this:

At magento success page there are no order number

Its just empty, what could cause this problem?

Order id are loaded by this line


Code are loaded by manabee ordershare module. Also this shop have many modules and code changes.

So I need as many as possible ways you can suggest why this is happening. I will check them all.

What does it output if you var_dump($this->getOrderId())? Also what is the class rendering that template (var_dump(get_class($this)))?scrowler

1 Answers


Meanbee_OrderShare_Block_Ordershare extends Mage_Checkout_Block_Onepage_Success so it should work as the standard success page block. The getOrderId metod comes from Mage_Checkout_Block_Onepage_Success. I recomend you check the exception.log, system.log and php error log, maybe you have an error. I allways recomend to read core files, then you will know how it works. I think that you should check what you have in chechout session at first.