
I'm fairly new to Sharepoint 2007 , I use a content editor webpart for refreshin page in sharepoint portal.

i use following code in Source Editor of CEWP:

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
    var reloadTimer = null;
    var sURL = unescape(window.location.pathname);
    function setReloadTime(secs)
        if (arguments.length == 1)
            if (reloadTimer) clearTimeout(reloadTimer);
            reloadTimer = setTimeout("setReloadTime()", Math.ceil(parseFloat(secs)*1000));
            reloadTimer = null;
            window.location.replace( sURL );

this code work fine, but i like to use this content editor web part in each page i like. and i like to can set reload time without editing Source Editor of content editor web part. Could any body help me.

Any help appreciated

Well, this is very different from the originally posed question! If you want it on every page without having to deploy new features, create a page template for it -- say, "auto-refreshing page". Add the JS to the source code. The auto-refresh time could be a column for that page type.Jhong

1 Answers


Just use a content editor web part, with the following code in source view:

10000 is 10 seconds -- change it to whatever you need

<script type="text/javascript">
    setTimeout('window.location.reload();', 10000);
    // ]]>