It seems I can't get any control over the connection string my webjob is using. There are probably more questions involved, but I don't know what exactly is causing my issues.
I have a production environment, and a test deployment slot. There are 3 webjobs running on both. All web jobs and my website have a connection string defined in their app.config resp. web.config.
<add name="SQLAZURECONNSTR_MyConnectionStringName" connectionString="Server=xxx;Database=MyTestDatabase;User ID=xxx;Password=xxx;Trusted_Connection=False;Encrypt=True;Connection Timeout=30;MultipleActiveResultSets=true" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
When I do a swap, the used connection string is swapped as well, I've read that's as designed. Now, I want my test environment to always point to my test DB, so after the swap, I try to override my connection string in the azure portal, but that has no effect. Test environment is still using Production DB.
Only after I publish my local version (with conn. string pointing to TestDB) to staging, I see my test-website is pointing to testDB again (why is it not overridden by Azure Portal connection string setting?)
However, last night, I did a swap, set my connection strings (in app.config and web.config) to TestDB, publish to testEnvironment, also published webjobs to testEnvironment. They still worked with productionDB... I login to my azure portal -> Test deployment slot. It shows no web jobs (while I'm positive they are running).
Note: I have a lot of problems with publishing since I use webjobs. So there is a probability that something went wrong with publishing as well.
A lot of text, mostly to try to elaborate my confusion. It might boil down to a few questions:
In what cases does the azure portal connection string setting override the connection strings in web/app.config?
Why do my webjobs show inconsistent behavior in terms of conn. string?
How can I get rid of this manual webjob publish nonsense once and for all, I'm using settings.job way to publish schedule webjobs, that solved a few, but not all of my problemes.