
so i'm trying to put a forms authentication the problem is i'm getting 401.2 Error when i try to go to my login.aspx page, i'm working with iisexpress

  <deny users="?"/>

<authentication mode="Forms">
<!--<forms loginUrl="Login.aspx" name=".ASPXFORMSAUTH" path="/"></forms>-->
  <!--<forms loginUrl="Login.aspx" timeout="2880" defaultUrl="/" />-->

I tried to add this but it didn't solve my problem

   <location path="Login.aspx">
        <allow users="?" />
     <location path="Content">
            <allow users="?" />

  <location path="fonts">
        <allow users="?" />

  <location path="Scripts">
        <allow users="?" />

I searched and tried several solution but no chance have you any idea?


2 Answers


Simple Forms Authentication from MSDN

  <authentication mode="Forms">
    <forms loginUrl="Login.aspx" name=".ASPXFORMSAUTH">
    <deny users="?" />

very clear and good article I have in bookmarks http://weblogs.asp.net/gurusarkar/setting-authorization-rules-for-a-particular-page-or-folder-in-web-config


Finally i made a workarround like this I deleted this part :

  <deny users="?"/>

then I modified the locations tags like this :

<location path="Login.aspx">
        <allow users="?"/>
  <location path="Default.aspx">
        <deny users="?"/>
  <location path="Users.aspx">
        <deny users="?"/>
  <location path="Content">
        <allow users="?"/>
  <location path="fonts">
        <allow users="?"/>

  <location path="Scripts">
        <allow users="?"/>

So when I tru to go to default or users page i'm gettting redirected automatically to login page. I really searched a lot to understand what i'm doing wrong but didn't find out so I'm adopting this solution for the moment.