I've been trying to implement OneDrive Business API according to this OneDrive Release Notes. We've already implemented OneDrive end users API without any issue.
First obvious thing to do is to handle OAuth2 authentication to get right tokens, first to discover {tenant}-my.sharepoint.com specific Tenant OneDrive Business URI and after that get tokens for that tenant. Documenation for that purpose could be found here.
Following that tutorial we have been able to do the following:
- Register the App in Azure AD. Done
- Sign into OneDrive for Business
- Log in and get an authorization code. Done
- Redeem the authorization code for tokens. Done
- Discover the OneDrive for Business resource URI. FAIL
- Redeem refresh token for an access token to call OneDrive API. Done
- Make a request to the OneDrive API. FAIL
It can be appreciated, we had issues on step 2, Discover the OneDrive for Business resource URI and Make a request to the OneDrive API.
Issue on Discover the OneDrive for Business resource URI
The problem with this part of the process is, although we are hitting to api.office.com/discovery/v2.0/me/services with the first Access Token obtained after redeem with resource api.office.com/discovery/, we are not getting in the list of services tenant specific sharepoint URI for OneDrive for Business. Any entry in the list we are getting come with capability = "MyFiles" AND serviceApiVersion = "v2.0"
according documentation. In fact any entry in the list has the structure {tenant}-my.sharepoint.com in serviceEndpointUri. This is JSON response i am getting back. I removed some of the sensitive data:
"@odata.context" : "https://api.office.com/discovery/v2.0/me/$metadata#allServices",
"value" : [ {
"capability" : "Directory",
"providerName" : "Microsoft",
"serviceAccountType" : 2,
"serviceApiVersion" : "",
"serviceEndpointUri" : "http://azure.microsoft.com/",
"serviceName" : "Microsoft Azure",
"serviceResourceId" : null
}, {
"capability" : "MyFiles",
"providerName" : "Microsoft",
"serviceAccountType" : 2,
"serviceApiVersion" : "",
"serviceEndpointUri" : "http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/office365/online-software.aspx",
"serviceName" : "Office 365 SharePoint",
"serviceResourceId" : null
}, {
"capability" : "RootSite",
"providerName" : "Microsoft",
"serviceAccountType" : 2,
"serviceApiVersion" : "",
"serviceEndpointUri" : "http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/office365/online-software.aspx",
"serviceId" : "O365_SHAREPOINT",
"serviceName" : "Office 365 SharePoint",
"serviceResourceId" : null
}, {
"capability" : "MyFiles",
"providerName" : "Microsoft",
"serviceAccountType" : 1,
"serviceApiVersion" : "",
"serviceEndpointUri" : "https://g.live.com/8seskydrive/HomePageUrl",
"serviceName" : "OneDrive",
"serviceResourceId" : null
} ]
The problem with this is if i logged in to my portal.office.com and check my sharepoint urls, it is well configured and i can see {tenant}-my.sharepoint.com URI.
Issue on Make a request to the OneDrive API
Apart i am not able to discovery correct tenant sharepoint URI, if i hardcode the URL to redeem next Access Token request with my tenant sharepoint URI, I am getting an access token but when i want to make a call for example to https://{tenant}-my.sharepoint.com/drive/root
or any other endpoint i am getting 401 Unauthorize response in every call, even when the token has just been acquired. Here is a handshake example. I am hiding sensitive data:
curl -v 'https://{tenant}-my.sharepoint.com/drives' -H 'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN_ACQUIRED'
Connected to {tenant}-my.sharepoint.com port 443
GET /drives HTTP/1.1
Host: {tenant}-my.sharepoint.com
Authorization: Bearer TOKEN_ACQUIRED
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Could you advice me with this? Is there some configuration missing in my tenant? Is there some configuration missing in my Azure AD App?
BTW, permissions scope on my App i am getting in every redeem are AllSites.FullControl AllSites.Manage MyFiles.Write Sites.Search.All TermStore.ReadWrite.All User.Read.All
. I think i have permissions properly set.
List item