
I'd like to use Julia on a computer which is disconnected from the Internet. Is there simple procedure to download a package and then install it offline?

which package do you need? you might face "dependency hell" when you try to install some package like Gadfly, Images...Gnimuc
I try to install "DataStructures", which should not be the most difficult to install as it doesn't seem to have that much dependencies.eltharion5
there are only Compat and Docile on the list. download the latest released zip archives and then copy these three folders to ~/.julia/v0.X/Compat/Docile/Datastructures as Reza suggested.Gnimuc

1 Answers


Surely, its possible.

Pkg.dir() # => get you the package installation path

check the pkg.julialang.org/ address to get the right package and click on its github link, then you can download a zip archive from github.com and extract it into Pkg.dir()
BUT you may taking yourself into trouble
because you must do many optional things manually, e.g.:

  • rename folder to remove .jl
  • build steps
  • install all related packages

I think a better way is to install Pkgs on a connected machine and then copy Pkg.dir() contents from that machine, to your system. this approach would works well only if both machines are of the same architecture (cpuX os julia-version).