
I am trying to plot a map with positive and negative values.

All positive values should have red color while negative should have blue color and zero should have white just like in this sample plot with discrete colorsenter image description here

Below is the code I'm using:

library (rasterVis)
ras1 <- raster(nrow=10,ncol=10) 
ras1[] <- rchisq(df=10,n=10*10) 
s <- stack(ras1,ras2) 

Thanks very much for providing a general solution which can be applied in other mapping exercises as well.

You already asked similar question: stackoverflow.com/questions/33748871/…user3710546
@Pascal the questions are almost similar. However, this one uses a different color palette and I would like the white color to denote zero values as shown on the map above. The other question uses a RdYIBu palette instead. Thanks for your help.code123
Most of your code has nothing to do with your question. Please provide a simple reproducible example with only relevant code. E.g. start with r <- raster(); values(r) <- 10* (runif(ncell(r)) - 0.5)Robert Hijmans
@RobertH thanks for suggesting that I improve the reproducible example and code. Here is something more appropriate: ras1 <- raster(nrow=10,ncol=10) set.seed(1) ras1[] <- rchisq(df=10,n=10*10) ras2=ras1*(-1)/2 s <- stack(ras1,ras2) levelplot(s,par.settings=RdBuTheme()) . How can I set the 0 to be at the dividing point for red and blue colors as in the world map shown above?code123

2 Answers


I wrote a gist to do this. It takes a trellis object generated by rasterVis::levelplot, and a colour ramp, and plots the object with the colours diverging around zero.

Using your s, you can use it like this:

p <- levelplot(s)
diverge0(p, ramp='RdBu')

ramp should be the name of a RColorBrewer palette, a vector of colours to be interpolated, or a colorRampPalette.

enter image description here

Here's the source:

diverge0 <- function(p, ramp) {
  # p: a trellis object resulting from rasterVis::levelplot
  # ramp: the name of an RColorBrewer palette (as character), a character 
  #       vector of colour names to interpolate, or a colorRampPalette.
  if(length(ramp)==1 && is.character(ramp) && ramp %in% 
     row.names(brewer.pal.info)) {
    ramp <- suppressWarnings(colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(11, ramp)))
  } else if(length(ramp) > 1 && is.character(ramp) && all(ramp %in% colors())) {
    ramp <- colorRampPalette(ramp)
  } else if(!is.function(ramp)) 
    stop('ramp should be either the name of a RColorBrewer palette, ', 
         'a vector of colours to be interpolated, or a colorRampPalette.')
  rng <- range(p$legend[[1]]$args$key$at)
  s <- seq(-max(abs(rng)), max(abs(rng)), len=1001)
  i <- findInterval(rng[which.min(abs(rng))], s)
  zlim <- switch(which.min(abs(rng)), `1`=i:(1000+1), `2`=1:(i+1))
  p$legend[[1]]$args$key$at <- s[zlim]
  p$par.settings$regions$col <- ramp(1000)[zlim[-length(zlim)]]

Note that, as suggested in @LucasFortini's post, the process is much simpler if you're happy to have the colorkey extend the same distance above and below zero, e.g.: levelplot(s,par.settings=RdBuTheme(), at=seq(-max(abs(cellStats(s, range))), max(abs(cellStats(s, range))), len=100)).


This is something I do frequently with the script below:

col5 <- colorRampPalette(c('blue', 'gray96', 'red'))  #create color ramp starting from blue to red
color_levels=20 #the number of colors to use
max_absolute_value=0.4 #what is the maximum absolute value of raster?
plot(img, col=col5(n=color_levels), breaks=seq(-max_absolute_value,max_absolute_value,length.out=color_levels+1) , axes=FALSE)

Using the data from here, here is an example output and actual script:

col5 <- colorRampPalette(c('blue', 'gray96', 'red'))  #create color ramp starting from blue to red
color_levels=10 #the number of colors to use
max_absolute_value=max(abs(c(cellStats(img, min), cellStats(img, max)))) #what is the maximum absolute value of raster?
plot(img, col=col5(n=color_levels), breaks=color_sequence, axes=FALSE)
plot(mask_data, add=T)

enter image description here This may bother some as there are a lot of color bins on the negative range that are unused (like the example you provided). The modification below allows for the exclusion of the empty colors from the map legend:

n_in_class=hist(img, breaks=color_sequence, plot=F)$counts>0
plot(img, col=col5(n=color_levels)[col_to_include], breaks=color_sequence[breaks_to_include] , axes=FALSE)
plot(mask_data, add=T)

enter image description here