I am using the ember-select-2 component from https://github.com/iStefo/ember-select-2 in my Ember.js project. The list of items is fairly simple and is loaded using Ember data in the route:
setupController: function(controller, model) {
this._super(controller, model);
var otherModelsPromises = {
accomodationTypes: this.store.find('accomodation-type'),
Ember.RSVP.hash(otherModelsPromises).then(function(results) {
controller.set('accomodationTypes', results.accomodationTypes.get('content'));
And in my template, I have:
{{select-2 placeholder="Filter By" content=accomodationTypes cssClass="search-filter-dropdown"}}
And here is the JSON being returned from the URL (http://localhost:4200/api/accomodationTypes)
{"accomodationTypes":[{"id":1,"text":"Bed & Breakfast","description":"","svgid":""},
{"id":2,"text":"Self Catering","description":"","svgid":""},
{"id":4,"text":"Boutique Hotel","description":"","svgid":""}]}
I can see the promise being eventually resolved in route and data being returned properly. However, when I try and click on the select2 control, I get the following error in console:
Uncaught Error: Assertion Failed: select2 has no content!
If I use a static data in the controller, it works. I have a feeling that because the promise is not resolved by the time the select2 component is rendered, it fails? And it seems like the content variable is not set to use promises? I could try and use a query, but I do not want a type ahead lookup. I just want to display a simple dropdown with multiple options and option to delete.
Am I missing something or is this a bug?
Edit: Here is the model that I'm using (models/accomodation-type.js)
import DS from 'ember-data';
export default DS.Model.extend({
text: DS.attr('string'),
description: DS.attr('string'),