I have a thread that is polling on a ZMQ Poller:
This thread is also the one which receives and sends back messages over the sockets registered in the poller.
Then I have another thread that may, eventually, create a new socket and register it for polling on input events:
socket = context.socket(...)
poller.register(socket, zmq.POLLIN)
Once the socket is registered, the latter thread will not touch it again.
Is this safe?
The answers/comments I got were about how I should not be doing this. Or which are The Guide's recommendations (which I already knew). But that does not really answer my question.
To be more specific, I would say that I am working with pyzmq
Python bindings for ZeroMQ.
Now, although ZeroMQ sockets are not thread safe, it is indeed possible to transfer them from one thread to another as long as there is a full memory barrier during the transfer.
So the first question would be: do I need to set an explicit memory barrier in there? Note that there is one thread that creates and binds/connects the socket and then it registers it, but it will not be using that thread again. Is there an actual conflict? could there be a moment in which I should be explicitly preventing access to the socket from both threads?
Then the second question would be: is registering a socket in a poller thread-safe? Most of the time the thread that performs the polling is busy doing other stuff, but it could happen that it is polling waiting for a timeout. In that case, do I need to use a lock to prevent concurrent access to the poller? or is it safe to register the new socket in the poller while the other thread is polling it?
Update II
I am using Pyro4 to handle and configure remote processes (i.e.: their ZeroMQ connections and their behavior). The initial configuration can be done with the Pyro Proxy very esaily. However, when I start the process, I am in fact running the main loop with a dedicated thread (Pyro oneway call) that keeps running, but if I access the object with the Pyro Proxy again, then this access is from another thread.
So the idea is to avoid modifying the remote object's class but still allow the use of Pyro for configuring the remote objects even when they are running. As long as the creation + binding/connecting + registering of new sockets is safe from another thread, I am good.