We want to collect some metrics about our client public Facebook pages (~1-5K users) on a daily (or weekly) basis.
I'm talking about 3-5 typical metrics : "likes", "fan posts" etc.
I understand that according to the "Rate Limiting on the Graph API" documentation [1] it's possible to have 200 calls per 1 hour.
For now we don't have any FB public application that can help us to increase this limit. To generate application token we will create it to but I doubt it will have a lot of users.
Does anybody know will we have problems with rate limit exceptions while invoking Graph API more than 200 times per 60 min.?
I guess our expected rate is 5-10K calls per 60 min (once a day). Phrase from the documentation [1] "Rate limiting in the FB Graph API is encountered only in rare circumstances" gives me hope that it won't be a problem.
Thank you!
[1] https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/advanced/rate-limiting