
I have built - over the years - a vba macro that is supposed to update all fields in a word document.

I invoke this macro before releasing the document for review to ensure all headers and footers etc are correct.

Currently - it look like this:

Sub UpdateAllFields()
' UpdateAllFields Macro
    Dim doc As Document ' Pointer to Active Document
    Dim wnd As Window ' Pointer to Document's Window
    Dim lngMain As Long ' Main Pane Type Holder
    Dim lngSplit As Long ' Split Type Holder
    Dim lngActPane As Long ' ActivePane Number
    Dim rngStory As Range ' Range Objwct for Looping through Stories
    Dim TOC As TableOfContents ' Table of Contents Object
    Dim TOA As TableOfAuthorities 'Table of Authorities Object
    Dim TOF As TableOfFigures 'Table of Figures Object
    Dim shp As Shape

    ' Set Objects
    Set doc = ActiveDocument
    Set wnd = doc.ActiveWindow

    ' get Active Pane Number
    lngActPane = wnd.ActivePane.Index

    ' Hold View Type of Main pane
    lngMain = wnd.Panes(1).View.Type

    ' Hold SplitSpecial
    lngSplit = wnd.View.SplitSpecial

    ' Get Rid of any split
    wnd.View.SplitSpecial = wdPaneNone

    ' Set View to Normal
    wnd.View.Type = wdNormalView

    ' Loop through each story in doc to update
    For Each rngStory In doc.StoryRanges
        If rngStory.StoryType = wdCommentsStory Then
            Application.DisplayAlerts = wdAlertsNone
            ' Update fields
            Application.DisplayAlerts = wdAlertsAll
           ' Update fields
            If rngStory.StoryType <> wdMainTextStory Then
                While Not (rngStory.NextStoryRange Is Nothing)
                    Set rngStory = rngStory.NextStoryRange
            End If
        End If

    For Each shp In doc.Shapes
      If shp.Type <> msoPicture Then
        With shp.TextFrame
            If .HasText Then
            End If
        End With
      End If

    ' Loop through TOC and update
    For Each TOC In doc.TablesOfContents

    ' Loop through TOA and update
    For Each TOA In doc.TablesOfAuthorities

    ' Loop through TOF and update
    For Each TOF In doc.TablesOfFigures

    ' Header and footer too.

    ' Return Split to original state
    wnd.View.SplitSpecial = lngSplit

    ' Return main pane to original state
    wnd.Panes(1).View.Type = lngMain

    ' Active proper pane

    ' Close and release all pointers
    Set wnd = Nothing
    Set doc = Nothing

End Sub

Sub UpdateFooter()
    Dim i As Integer

     'exit if no document is open
    If Documents.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

     'Get page count
    i = ActiveDocument.BuiltInDocumentProperties(14)

    If i >= 1 Then 'Update fields in Footer
        For Each footer In ActiveDocument.Sections(ActiveDocument.Sections.Count).Footers()
    End If

    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

 'Update only the fields in your footer like:
Sub UpdateHeader()
    Dim i As Integer

     'exit if no document is open
    If Documents.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

     'Get page count
    i = ActiveDocument.BuiltInDocumentProperties(14)

    If i >= 1 Then 'Update fields in Header
        For Each header In ActiveDocument.Sections(ActiveDocument.Sections.Count).Headers()
    End If

    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

I have noticed recently that it sometimes misses some secions of the document. Today it missed First page footer -section 2- because the document version was not updated.

I have built this macro over a number of years and several bouts of research but I am not proud of it so please suggest a complete replacement if there is now a clean way of doing it. I am using Word 2007.

To test, create a word document and add a custom field named Version and give it a value. Then use that field {DOCPROPERTY Version \* MERGEFORMAT } in as many places as you can. Headers, Footers, first-page, subsequent page etc. etc. Remember to make a multi-section document with different header/footers. Then change the property and invoke the macro. It currently does quite a good job, handling TOCs and TOAs an TOFs etc, it just seems to skip footers (sometimes) in a multi-section document for example.


The challenging document that seems to cause the most problems is structured like this:

It has 3 sections.

Section 1 is for the title page and TOC so the first page of that section has no header/footer but does use the Version property on it. Subsequent pages have page numbering in roman numerals for the TOC.

Section 2 is for the body of the document and has headers and footers.

Section 3 is for the copyright blurb and this has a very strange header and a cut-down footer.

All footers contain the Version custom document property.

My code above seems to work in all cases except sometimes it misses first page footer of sections 2 and 3.

Why not update directly all the Fields within the Document with ActiveDocument.Fields.Update? Or directly from the application level Application.Fields.Update?Does it miss some of them too?R3uK
@R3uK - ActiveDocument.Fields.Update does almost nothing. Application.Fields.Update gives an error Method or data member not found on the Fields object.OldCurmudgeon
Ok. And does you have anything else that is linked but might not be in Fields? Like Charts, ...? I never used the application level my self, I just found that .Fields are a children of the Application level...R3uK
@R3uK - Documents may have charts (but rarely) and if macro misses them I will be happy to dig out changes to deal with that. For now I would be happy with a fix to it missing First page footer -section 2-. If that makes it simpler too it would be a bonus.OldCurmudgeon
For charts, I had to update the links in some templates for a reporting system, here is my question with some things that should help you for charts : stackoverflow.com/questions/30958172/…R3uK

2 Answers


For years, the standard I've used for updating all fields (with the exception of TOC, etc. which are handled separately) in a document is the one the Word MVPs use and recommend, which I'll copy here. It comes from Greg Maxey's site: http://gregmaxey.mvps.org/word_tip_pages/word_fields.html. One thing it does that I don't see in your version is update any fields in Shapes (text boxes) in the header/footer.

Public Sub UpdateAllFields()
  Dim rngStory As Word.Range
  Dim lngJunk As Long
  Dim oShp As Shape
  lngJunk = ActiveDocument.Sections(1).Headers(1).Range.StoryType
  For Each rngStory In ActiveDocument.StoryRanges
    'Iterate through all linked stories
      On Error Resume Next
      Select Case rngStory.StoryType
        Case 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
          If rngStory.ShapeRange.Count > 0 Then
            For Each oShp In rngStory.ShapeRange
              If oShp.TextFrame.HasText Then
              End If
          End If
        Case Else
          'Do Nothing
        End Select
        On Error GoTo 0
        'Get next linked story (if any)
        Set rngStory = rngStory.NextStoryRange
      Loop Until rngStory Is Nothing
End Sub

Some research and experimentation produced the following addition which seems to solve the additional problem of updating the headers/footers in a multi-section document.

Add the following dimensions to the earlier answer:

dim sctn as Word.Section
dim hdft as Word.HeaderFooter

And then, add to the earlier code

for each sctn in doc.Sections
  for each hdft in sctn.Headers
   for each hdft in sctn.Footers

However - I am still not happy with this code and would very much like to replace it with something less hacky.