has anyone encountered the following trouble with Flash Builder 4 Eclipse plugin: after I import some flash projects from poms (import -> existing maven projects) and set their type to flex library or flex project manually, flash builder code navigation stops working for these projects - you cant' click on method name to go to its definition, can't open a class using ctrl+shift+t and so forth. The projects compile and run fine and code navigation works for any projects created anew in the same workspace. Any ideas will be appreciated, thank you.
2 Answers
This bug (defect or whatever you want to call it) is one of a few caused by the diminished cooperation between the vendors of the maven-eclipse-plugin and thus flexmojos-maven-plugin (indirectly) and M2Eclipse plugins (... without pointing the finger at any in particular).
You can however still get them all to work and get back the FlashBuilder/Eclipse goodness: