I am using the JSON API - Google API Client Library for Java to access the objects in Google Cloud Storage. I need to create (not upload) an empty folder in the bucket. Google Developer Web Console has that option to creating a directory, but neither the Java API nor the gsutil command has a create folder command. If anybody knows how to do so, please let me know. Thanks in advance...
Can I ask why? Also, technically there is no concept of "folders" in Cloud Storage, as it is not a filesystem. cloud.google.com/storage/docs/gsutil/addlhelp/…
– Sandeep Dinesh
Yes you can. and I know that file system is different. Please see this case, I am creating a UI for a user. The UI synchronized with Google Bucket Storage. So, the thing is he can organize his files like create / delete files and folders. So, deleting an Object command is there, but creating a directory is there in the Google developer console, but it is not available in Java API or gsutil command.
– Sakthi Ganesh
3 Answers
I think is better that you create the folder within the file name. For example if you need a folder called images and other one called docs, when you give the name of the object to upload do it in the following way images/name_of_file or docs/name_of_file.
If the name of the file is images/dogImage and you upload that file, you will find in your bucket a folder called images.
I hope to help you and others
This is my Java method to create an empty (emulated) folder:
public static void createFolder(String name) throws IOException {
createFile(name + "/")
public static GcsOutputChannel createFile(String name) throws IOException {
return getService().createOrReplace(
new GcsFilename(getName(), name),
private static String name;
public static String getName() {
if (name == null) {
name = AppIdentityServiceFactory.getAppIdentityService().getDefaultGcsBucketName();
return name;
public static GcsService service;
public static GcsService getService() {
if (service == null) {
service = GcsServiceFactory.createGcsService(
new RetryParams.Builder()
return service;